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AGM 30 and AGM33: Formative Presentation and Feedback

December 14th

Both the AGM30 and AGM33 presentations went quite smoothly apart from some technical issues, which can only be expected in this online format.

The AGM30 website presentation went a lot better than I expected. I think I made my points clearly, presented my website in the way I had intended, and did not leave anything major out.

The AGM33 presentation was positive too, but I did have a power cut and wifi outage in the middle of it, which was the last thing I wanted as I was very nervous already. I presented my game and my inspiration behind it in the way I wanted.

I listened carefully to advice and criticism received from Ben and Sue. I took this on board and will aim to put all these changes and corrections in place. There was some very good criticism from Ben, and peers in general. All of these will help me complete this project to the standards set by the brief and already set for myself.

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