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AGM 33: Blender Workshop!

Oct 28th

There was a fascinating workshop with Alex today where we learnt the basics of the 3D software “Blender”. We were instructed to make a model of one of those inflatable figures you see outside car dealerships. Was very interesting learning how to mould and sculpt things in 3D. I have downloaded and opened Blender before, but the first time I opened it I had no idea what to do with it. Therefore it was great to learn with someone, as I tend to learn better that way. We learnt about sculpting, animation and physics within Blender.

I think there are so many possibilities to explore within Blender and I would really like my project to be influenced by this software.

During lunch we were given a task to make something with Blender. I had a lot of fun just messing around with tutorials on youtube. I used this one which basically mimicked water filling up a space. This simulation was quite complicated to follow as there are a lot of variables to consider for example the size of the area you are filling, the volume of the liquid and the speed of the outflow.

I also worked with an effect called cell fracture, and I will definitely use this in future because I think it just looks so aesthetically pleasing. I managed to create a liquid simulation which splashes up, then hardens, then crumbles into pieces.

In the afternoon we had tutorials with Alex, where we spoke about our projects. The more I learn about other softwares, the less I want to do the project I am currently doing. I feel as though I’m not expanding my horizons enough. At the same time, some of the other areas I’m exploring are too far from my technical area.

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