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AGM 33: Fitness, Rotoscope and Processing

15th Oct

In Ben’s session today, we briefly covered a few things you can do with the Processing program. I don’t quite understand the extent or parameters of what this software can do. But I would like to learn more about it.

We also pitched our project idea to Ben in groups of two. I was in a pair with Chonlachat and his idea seemed very organised and straightforward. It was a projected hopscotch idea using motion sensors, which seems like it would fulfill the brief perfectly.

Ben also seemed happy with my new idea, a project I started in June (during lockdown), based on filming and then animating my gym workouts in rotoscope, which I then posted to my Instagram page. It was a hobby and side project but I pitched it to Ben because he thought it might be a good way of making this project relate to something in my everyday life. It also could be quite a marketable website idea (for a gym or advert), essentially to inspire people to do more exercise and to be more active daily. This would be through instructive videos on how to perform exercises correctly. I would release them weekly and they would be about 15-20 seconds long.

Ben suggested ways to make this project interactive using a mixture of Processing and rotoscoping, with motion sensors. The user would have to match the position of a rotoscope character on screen, and when they match it, another exercise appears.

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