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AGM34: Video Game Inspiration "Witcher 3"

Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt-- a masterpiece for more reasons than I can mention, elicits joy, sadness and interest through the effort put into the beautiful cinematic landscape and interactive storylines, elements of reward, choice and exploration of side quests rich with lore.

The game will congratulate you and offer you experience points or some form of currency for completing quests and exploring the incredibly diverse and detailed world, with the aim to encourage the player to invest countless hours finding all the secrets within the Witcher world. With this aspect the game becomes a lot more immersive as there is a reason for you to keep putting the time into consuming the content. If you take this away, optional rewarded exploration and what you call “the grind” becomes less enjoyable and almost pointless.

Another way Witcher 3 provokes an emotional response and connection is the invitation to become more involved in the narrative through the use of choice within dialogue and action sequences, because almost everything you say or choose affects the greater story. So, the game developer initiates a subconscious response from players because they now have an emotional stake in the outcome of the narrative.

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